Thursday, February 18, 2010

Performance counter registry hive consistency check has the status FAILED

While installing MS SQL Server 2008 r2 on windows 7, i got an error on one of the systemchecks:
  • Performance counter registry hive consistency check has the status FAILED
To fix it, i did the following:

Put this in any Console application:
  • string.Format("{0,3}", CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.Parent.LCID.ToString("X")).Replace(" ", "0");
The write down the result. i.e. "016".

Go to the registry at this key:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib
Add the found value as entry. In this example:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\016
Then copy the key's form the original entry to the new on.

Restart the setup, and you are ready to go!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to Install SQL Server 2008 R2 (Express Edition) – November CTP

Installing SQL Server 2008 R2, i found the following interesting blog bij Petersad:


With the release of the SQL Server 2008 R2 November CTP, we have simplified the SQL Server Express (all editions and package) installation process. In this release, we have completed the following:

  1. Reduced the number of clicks by 50% when performing an install.
  2. All inputs are defaulted on Vista and above operating systems. (many inputs are defaults on Windows XP and Windows 2003, except for the service accounts)
  3. Skip (auto advance) through the UI, meaning non-essential dialogs will still be skipped.
  4. Reduced the size of the Express basic package

For more detailed information on the SQL Server Express release, see:

The primary SQL Server Express downloads:

1. Launch the package, you will then see the contents extracted to a temporary location.


2. SQL Server Setup checks to determine pre-reqs are installed. If not, you will be prompted to install.


3. The Installation Center will then launch. Click on “New installation or add feature to an existing installation” to start the Installation Wizard.


4. Accept the license terms.


5. Review the features to installed and where SQL Server will be installed. Make any changes that are necessary for your environment.


6. Review the Instance Name and change if necessary.


7. Review the credentials that will be used for the services that will be created.


8. Review the Authentication Mode and the administrators that will be added to the Database Engine.


9. Review the Error Reporting settings. We encourage you to keep this option checked, as we review the product feedback on an ongoing basic. This helps us to continually improve SQL Server.


10. That’s it!



If you have further questions or feedback, you have a few options:

upgrading ms sql server 2008 to r2 FeatureUpgradeMatrixCheck

I was trying to upgrading ms sql server 2008 to r2, but got an error on FeatureUpgradeMatrixCheck.
The error was by design.
You can't upgrade a Real SKU to an Eval Sku. You need to look at the SKU matrix that is documented in BOL and determine which SKUs are valid to upgrade to and then provide an appropriate key. The keys are available on the download site.